Policy and Procedures: Duties and Responsibilities of the Education Coordinator


Jan 2013


General 003


Duties and Responsibilities of the Education Coordinator


To define the duties and responsibilities of the HKVCA Education Coordinator.




Educating Canadians is the cornerstone of our mission and is mentioned specifically as a task in our goals. The position of Education Coordinator is critical to our success.

While the Education Coordinator is not a member of the Board of Directors, he/she will have a standing invitation to attend all Board of Directors meetings, and provide updates on our progress regarding education issues.


  1. Through the region Education representatives, assist, guide and support the regions in their education initiatives.
  2. Facilitate communications among the regions in order that resources and knowledge gained may be shared.
  3. Maintain and update the content of the Teachers' Zone web site
  4. Work closely with the HKVCA Web Master to improve and develop the Teachers' Zone web site, so that it continues to be a valuable resource for all Canadian teachers and students.
  5. Work with the HKVCA newsletter editor and region representatives to publish education-related activities in the National newsletter.
  6. Submit a yearly budget, status report and updated plan to the Board of Directors for approval.
  7. Provide a short report for monthly BOD meetings.
  8. As time permits, develop ideas or programs that can be implemented within each region, as is, or with customization.


President: ___________________
Carol Hadley
Date: ____________________

Secretary: ___________________
Jim Trick

Record of Revisions

Rev # Date Change Description Approval Method Reference Remarks
0 Jan '13 Initial version BOD Online Meeting of 23 Jan Minutes