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Minutes – General Meeting – 12 August 2011 – Granby, Quebec

Approved at our General Meeting in Winnipeg on 16 August 2013.

1. Opening Ceremonies

Opening ceremonies were conducted by Quebec Regional Director, Lucette Muir, and Quebec Regional Treasurer, Allan Marshall.  Attendance = 45 persons including the BOD.

2. Call to Order

Derrill Henderson called the meeting to order at 9:15 a.m

HKVCA President, Derrill Henderson, and HKVA President, Philip Doddridge, welcomed everyone to the meeting and named the eight veterans in attendance at this reunion.

3. Minutes of the Last General Meeting (August 14, 2009)

Read by the Acting Secretary, Debbie Everett.  Moved by Mike Babin, seconded by Philip Doddridge that the minutes be approved.  Carried.

4. Treasurer’s Report

A copy was handed out to each attendee at the meeting.  Barry Mitchell stated that it had been a good year financially, the Memorial Wall is almost completed, and there was a slight increase in membership dues.  He moved acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report which will be entered into the minutes.  Approved. 2010 Finance Statement

5. National Presidents – Report

Phil Doddridge was not prepared to make a speech at this meeting but will speak at the HKVA’s meeting tomorrow.

The HKVCA’s President stated that the Memorial Wall is expected to be completed by September 15, 2011.  It is going to cost $5000 a panel to correct the spelling errors of the names.  A total of $471,197 was invested in the wall.  A statue of Gander will follow at a later date.  Some parking spaces will be created during the Sussex Drive modification.

Membership:  There are 866 members including 58 veterans.

Hiring a professional fundraising company is being studied.

6. Region Reports

Atlantic Region – Emmie Flanagan (daughter of James Flanagan)

- A “C” Force Memorial Wall including the names of HK Veterans from New Brunswick and the Gaspé and a 6-foot tall statue of Gander will be installed in Belledune, New Brunswick within the next year.

- They have 26 monument badge discs in this area.

British Columbia – Murray Doull (Lee Naylor could not be present)

- Held annual luncheon in Victoria and Vancouver in June 2011.

- They use a display to promote education about “C” Force in schools.

- Attended a conference with social studies teachers in BC.

- Thanked the Quebec branch for hosting the National Reunion.

Ontario – Mike Babin

- Priorities = Education, Commemoration, and well-being of veterans and widows.

- Ontario branch makes the Hong Kong story known by using the website and banners, and also by going to conferences and schools.

- Trip to Hong Kong in December 2010 was attended by 52 people including 2 veterans.

- Ontario 2011 membership has 157 regular members, 15 veterans, and 51 widows.  This is an increase of 10% since 2009.  Twenty-six percent of all HKVCA members live in Ontario.

- Thanked the Quebec branch for hosting the National Reunion. Read: ON Report

Quebec – Lucette Mailloux Muir (Director)

- Thanked the Ontario branch for the wonderful 2009 Convention and Wall Unveiling ceremony.

- We continue to help our veterans and widows whenever possible.

- We attend local Armistice services, attended a local VE Day 65th Anniversary Memorial Service and Parade, and also attended a ceremony given by the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea for the 60th Anniversary of the outbreak of the Korean War.

- Whenever possible, Dempsey Syvret, RRC Veteran, represents all of his comrades for the Remembrance Ceremony and parade in Ottawa.

- We have designed and printed new membership cards for our regular members, our lifetime members, and our guest members.  Our membership numbers continue to go up and down.

- Our Quebec region reunion was held in August 2010 in New Richmond, Quebec and attendance was good.  Three veterans were able to attend.

- In September 2010 the Quebec branch agreed to host the 2011 National Reunion.  We had to work very quickly, and are happy to see so many people in attendance including eight veterans.  Lucette thanked everyone for being here today.

Read full report

Manitoba – Vince Lopata

- Hold monthly meetings.

- Active in school programs and attend teachers’ conferences.

- Our color party attends 10 to 12 events per year.

- Geographic features (ex. rivers) named after veterans (“C” Force casualties).

- Membership includes 150 regular members, 36 RRC, 21 WG, 2 Signals, and 1Ordance Core.

7. Report on Education

Pat Turcotte, our National Education Coordinator, explained how the Writing Contest Across Canada works.  To make the contest fair to all students, the veterans’ stories which are found on the HKVCA website need to be in both official languages.  The cost of translation is very high.  Gail Angel has been appointed the National Translator Coordinator.  The deadline for next year’s writing contest is May 25, 2012.

Pat also congratulated the Atlantic region’s idea for the statue of Gander to be erected in the town of Belledune, NB.  She thought that statue will perk the interest of the young.

Read: Education Report for AGM in Granby: August 12, 2011

8. Election Results

In the absence of Carol Hadley, Chair Election Committee, the election report was read by Derrill Henderson.

Introduction of BOD for 2011-13

      President:  Carol Hadley

      1st Vice:  Murray Doull

      2nd Vice:  Emmie Flanagan

      Secretary:  Jim Trick

      Treasurer:  Barry Mitchell

      Past President:  Derrill Henderson

9. New Business

Gail Angel suggested that the final versions of the agendas for the reunions and the general meetings should be made available on the HKVCA website.

10. Adjournment

11:25 a.m.  Moved by Mike Babin, seconded by Gail Angel.  Carried.

11.   Closing Ceremonies

Lucette read the schedule for the rest of the day.