Visit by Veterans to St. Stephens
December 2nd 2005
Mr. George MacDonell (left) chats with historian, Mr. Tony Banham, author of "Not the Slightest Chance" outside of St. Stephen’s College. (VAC Photo)
Mr. Flash Clayton addresses the group of students at St. Stephen’s College. (VAC Photo)
Mr. Doug Rees speaks with a student at St. Stephen’s. (VAC Photo)
Mr. Ed Shayler talks informally with some of the students at St. Stephen’s. (VAC Photo)
Veterans interact with St. Stephen’s students by passing out Canadian flags and pins. (VAC Photo)
Mr. George MacDonell (right) presents Dr. Louise Y. S. Law, College Principal, with a copy of his book, One Soldier’s Story. (VAC Photo)

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