Oct-Nov-Dec '10 Page 4


Phil Doddridge - President HKVAHKVA President Report – Phil Doddridge


Greetings from “the Gaspe” where we are enjoying another unusual autumn. In our neck of the woods at this time of the year, we usually have snow, but again this year the weather for Remembrance Day activities was comparatively mild and although areas surrounding have had some snow, as of this writing we in New Richmond still haven’t broken out the mukluks.

I have very little to report on get-togethers with Hong Kong Vets. We are getting few in number and those of us who are left don’t get around much any more. I had toyed with the plan to visit Hong Kong this fall with the group that is being organized by Mike Babin, but my courage failed me when I contemplated the long flights and the waiting at transfer points and hotel lobbies. Besides, I have been there several times including the first trip that lasted for much longer than I would have wished.


As usual I report again on a number of books that have caught my attention over the past months.


By this time most of us have read Nathan Greenfield’s book. You will be amazed at the wealth of detail he has included in his chronicle of the battle of Hong Kong and the years that followed. I read it from cover to cover and while I detected some small discrepancies, at least according to my memory, over all I am satisfied that the reporting is detailed and accurate. I am proud to add a copy of “The Damned” to my ever-expanding shelf of books on the Hong Kong story. (Sometimes I wonder if I really had been there!)


“The remarkable story of a Japanese camp survivor” was written by John Baxter, a British member of the Royal Engineers who was captured in Indonesia and who spent most of the war in camps in Japan. It is available at ChaptersIndigo.


Michael Palmer’s book continues to receive publicity from many sources. If you haven’t already read it, you should put it on your list.


Reports are coming in from all parts of Canada. Hong Kong Veterans were well represented wherever ceremonies were held. Much, if not most, of the recognition we get at these events are the results of direct influence of the Commemorative Association.


I hope that we will see a good turn out at the 2011 Convention being planned by Lucette and her committee in Granby. Keep a watch for announcements and to help in the operation, please let Lucette know as soon as you can if you plan to go.

That will be all for this time. Be good to each other and may God Bless. 
