Oct-Nov-Dec 2009 Page 2


Memorial Wall- Now

and what we want to achieve

As you see above the Wall is complete but we need to move to stage 3 – landscaping.

Heritage Canada has approved the grant for a $100,000 that we applied for – hooray!!  We have a couple of other grants that have been submitted to foundations and we wait to see if they are accepted.  We continue to solicit funds as we are into our loans to meet our commitments.  We are anticipating another grant that may be enough to complete the project and then we have the perpetuity fund – so we will see how far the money can stretch.  We were pleased to hear ON Region finalized the concert and to see the contribution of $24,000+.

Jim Lennox has updated the drawings to reflect the complete site as constructed so that we can tender the landscaping.  Randy Wing is asking Polycor for a quote to do the name corrections on the wall – this can only be done in warm weather so will be initiated next year.  This will give families time to review the names and let us know of any errors.

We have the revised drawings so we will soon be meeting with NCC to discuss the next step of the project and formulate a plan for the balance of the work.

We encourage every Region to continue to promote this project and use the updated brochure that is on our website.  Our thanks to Kevin Fan of the Winnipeg Chinese community, who translated our new Memorial Wall brochure for use at various events where Chinese is spoken. We have already sent it to Hong Kong where Bruce MacNamara, a teacher at the Canadian International School in Hong Kong is directing the International Witness to War Project, an annual event, which honours WWII veterans. This year the Canadian HK vets will be recognized. Also, students at the school will be raising funds to assist us with the landscaping of our Memorial Wall and on December 5 they will present their cheque to Patricia Osborn, daughter of John Osborn, who will accept on our behalf.

That’s it for now - Memorial Wall Committee

Carol Hadley, Chair
Phil Doddridge, Derrill Henderson, Barry Mitchell, Murray Doull, and Ron McGuire.