Summer 2014 Page 3



The Times, they are a-changin’!

With recent changes to the Canada Corporation Act, the process of electing our Board and Regional Councils must adjust in order to comply. The changes will be in effect as of August 2015.

Your Board of Directors is reviewing the changes, planning how the changes will be implemented, and making a communication plan for the membership.

Over the upcoming months, as the methods and procedures are revised, they will be communicated to you. We will be taking this opportunity to review all our current Policies & Procedures to address the current demands of our “electronic” world, while never forgetting that many of our members still function in what has been dubbed “paper mode”.

As these updated procedures are communicated, we want everyone to be comfortable in their understanding of the updates. We encourage everyone to contact their regional leadership with any questions.

Derrill Henderson

Commemorative Trip to Hong Kong

Thanks to everyone who responded to the item in the last newsletter asking about interest in a commemorative trip to Hong Kong (and possibly Japan) in late 2015. There was an excellent response, enough that the planning for a trip will now proceed.

We’re now working on the details of itinerary and pricing, and in the next short while more information will be available. If you are interested but haven’t yet let us know, please send an email to hkvca.trip@gmail.com . There’s no obligation. (Mike Babin

You can find some informative material on the 2005 trip here.

Membership Reminder

We are half way through the year and many of you have yet to forward your 2014 dues to your Regional Treasurer. We sure need your support, perhaps more than ever. We are about to repair and upgrade the Memorial Wall in Ottawa and this is proving to be a most expensive undertaking. We are encouraging you to send in membership not only for this year but how about next year as well. As well, please remember that donations over and above your dues will provide you with a tax receipt for contributions of $20.00 or more.

When you read this newsletter you will find that many useful activities are underway across Canada in the name of the HKVCA. Most of them require some funding to make it all possible and the only source of that funding is YOU. Please take a moment and send us your support—it will be greatly appreciated!

Barry Mitchell

Staying in Touch

Please notify us at HKVCA.ca of address and email changes so we can stay in touch with you.