National NEWSLETTER - Web Edition

September 2006

Page 8

Far East Prisoners of War

From Mike Babin:

A couple of months ago, Carol Hadley received an email from a fellow named Ian Lester, who represents a UK organization called the Far East Prisoners of War Memorial Church. The church is located in Wymondham, Norfolk, England.

The church is intended as a tribute to POWs who were interned in the Far East, and was established by a Roman Catholic priest who had himself been a Japanese POW for 3 ½ years. The church commemorates all FEPOWs, regardless of religion, race or country of origin.

Lester contacted Carol because the church also maintains a web site that contains text and audio recordings of interviews with POWs. To date, all of their interviews had been with British people, with the exception of an Australian nurse. Lester was coming to Canada on a holiday, and wondered if there might be a Canadian HK POW who he might interview.

We arranged for him to interview Bruce Cadoret (RRC), who happens to live very close to where Lester was to visit. You can see and hear the results at: . The home page for the Memorial Church is .